Alibtikar Alhadeeth Project Management Services operates a consumer lending technology platform. The platform seeks to build a leading position in consumer finance. The principal activities of the company include credit analysis, data analytics, technology development, asset management, and customer service.
Alibtikar Alhadeeth Project Management Services is a wholly owned subsidiary of Alibtikar Alhadeeth Project Management Services and is the originator and servicer of consumer finance products offering personal loans, credit cards and car finance.
The firm uses third party suppliers for a broad range of services and has a framework in place to manage risks and to assess that suppliers (and other relevant third parties) comply with the requirements of the Modern Slavery Act 2015.
The firm’s governance structure is designed to ensure that an effective risk management framework is in place for the identification, assessment, monitoring and management of risks including modern slavery.
The firm has appropriate people procedures in place to establish that all prospective colleagues have the right to work legally in the UK, and performs background checking as part of the recruitment process. Prospective colleagues are also required to provide proof to demonstrate their right to work in the UK. All colleagues are encouraged to raise concerns relating to potential breaches of regulations, policy requirements and/or other grievances with the firm’s senior management.
The firm has identified areas within its businesses that require further focus to identify potential risks to ensure there is ongoing colleague awareness of issues relating to modern slavery and human trafficking, with specific focus on third party management and oversight. The firm will continue to review and monitor the due diligence approach to manage supply-chain related risks and will provide appropriate training where required.
This statement is made pursuant to section 54(1) of the Modern Slavery Act and has been pre-approved by the Chief Executive Officer on 2 July 2021.